Dr. Eboni Price-Haywood

Dr. Eboni Price-Haywood is General Internal Medicine specialist at Ochsner Health, Associate Professor of Medicine in the University of Queensland Ochsner Clinical School, and Medical Director for the Ochsner Xavier Institute for Health Equity and Research. Over the last 20 years, her research and healthcare administrative work has focused on strategies to improve health equity for vulnerable populations. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, she distinguished herself with achievements in health service delivery re-design and community health. In her leadership of Ochsner’s systemwide Center for Outcomes and Health Services Research, she collaborated with system leaders to design and evaluate next generation solutions to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and equity of healthcare; translate research into practice; and disseminate research findings to improve clinical, administrative and policy decision making. As Medical Director of the Ochsner Xavier Institute for Health Equity and Research (OXIHER), Dr. Price-Haywood is leading efforts to better understand and address health inequity in Louisiana. In partnership with Xavier University of Lousiana, the OXIHER uses outcomes research, population health, workforce development and health equity education initiatives, community engagement and health advocacy to investigate and create solutions for the challenges we face today. 


Dr. Courtney Phillips


Bruce Reilly